Color Pencil Layering w/ Non Local Color

In art, the term Local color refers to the natural color of an object unmodified by adding light and shadow or any other distortion.  For example, the local color of a banana is yellow; the local color of the sky is blue.
Non Local color refers to the use accent colors to achieve more depth, brilliance, and spontaneity.  Typically the addition of a non local color makes all other colors resonate or "pop."  Why bother drawing or painting if you're not going to alter or exaggerate the color a bit.  That's what makes an original work of art differ from a photograph.  
Many artists agree that the use of non local color can actually make you're drawing or painting look more true to life.  For example, mixing dark blues, reds, & browns into a deep shadowed area is much more effective that using only black.  Shadows are usually warm or cool depending on the time of day and season.  They are seldom flat black; rather, they are formed with rich layered colors. 
Theses examples show layered non local color that when mixed can achieve a rich, blended local color versus flat local color.

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